
Bridging Vault assets between Arbitrum, Optimism, Ethereum, and More!

Since deposits must be made to your Vault via Arbitrum, to use other chains with your Vault (after deploying to them!) you must bridge assets to them from Arbitrum.

For now, you can only bridge USDC.e to/from Arbitrum, so make sure you swap to (spot trade) or deposit USDC.e.

You cannot bridge regular USDC, or other assets (yet) from Arbitrum in your Vault. Only USDC.e.

You can bridge Arbitrum USDC.e to other chains, or regular USDC from non-Arbitrum chains to any chain your Vault is deployed to.

Navigate to Manage. You can find the Vault Bridge in the left navbar towards the top:

Select Bridge. An interface enabling you to select between the various chains your Vault is deployed to will appear.

You can only Bridge to chains your Vault is deployed to! (See here for deploying to multiple chains.)

Select your source and target chain.

You can invert the source and target chain with the ⇡ down/up arrow button.

Enter the amount you'd like to bridge.

Press Bridge.

Bridging can take several minutes. You may navigate away from this screen. Bridging to/from Ethereum will take longer than bridging between other chains.

Last updated